Monday, May 3, 2010

Arthur Burg

Arthur Berg plays a big role in Liesel Meminger's life, teaching her something that later on she will find very helpful, how to steal. Although Liesel had stolen before she did not believe she was doing anything wrong, she really never though about it. Yet times were changing and her reasons for stealing were changing. Before she was stealing solely for pleasure, but now she is stealing for survival. Arthur has gave Liesel an activity to pursue while the war was going on and something to take her mind of the war. It is easier to get through tough times when you have something worthwhile to do. The fact that Arthur has taught Liesel to steal food will not only help her but could potentially end up saving her foster family and their new guest, Max. The family were already short on food but with Liesel and her new profession, their lives would soon become much easier. Even though Liesel had not yet told her foster family she had been stealing, I believe she will soon because she is starting to become more aware of the rough conditions she is in and that they are only going to get rougher.


  1. I like the way you relate stealing to Liesel because, after all, she is the book theif. She clearly has an insatiable appetite for books, (she's already read her own books over and over again) so when she is introduced to the mayor's library she is astonished and amazed. On page, um... 134 she is delighted to see a room filled with books since, in her life, she's only had four. But when Rosa was laid off of work, Liesel got back at the mayor's wife by stealing The Whistler. Since this is only the third book she's stolen there is still probably more stealing to be done.

  2. David, you post some great ideas in your blog. I think that you are right when you say that it is much easier to get through tough times, when you have something enjoyable to occupuy yourself with. For Liesel one thing to occupy herself with is stealing. I do not think Liesel is stealing for survival. Although she is constantly hungry she does have enough to eat. Stealing for Liesel is more for extra things: Books, food. I also do not think that Liesel will tell her family about stealing. I beleive that stealing is something that her parents look down upon.
