Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Research of Nazi Military

When I first read that Hans Huberman was going to be drafted into the German army I thought that it was very weird. I thought it was weird because in the US army people are not just told that they are in the army, they get to choose. After the reading I decided to research and blog about how the Nazi Germany military worked and who was drafted into their army. The first link that showed up on Google was about the Hitler Youth program, so I decided to look at the site. (Because Hitler Youth comes up in the Book Thief) After reading the first page of the website I found out that by the end of the war Hitler Youth was a main recruiting center for the German Army. At the start of the war only Hitler Youth leaders could be drafted to join the army, but after a year or so every boy over the age of 14 could be randomly drafted into the German Army. Near the end of the war I read that any boy enrolled in the Hitler Youth program could be drafted into the army. Also after 1936 Hitler Youth was mandatory, just like school is mandatory for us. So, by the end of the war any child could be drafted into the German army (just like Rudy was), even 10 year old boys could be forced to join the army.

In addition, girls could also be drafted into the army. Although the Nazi did not let the women fight in the war, they were still in a lot of danger because most of them had to go out on the battlefields and treat the wounded soldiers. Also the Nazis could take the girls and boys drafted into the army and keep them in the army for as long as they wanted. Some children did not see their parents for over five years during and after the war. Once the bombing started, the girls also were dispatched to go into the bombing zones and treat wounded people because the Nazi's could not spare the soldiers fighting.

After reading that I found out that the German government could send a notice to you that you have to join the army and within seven days, you have to enlist in the Germany army or you are a criminal. Whats worse is that this law still exists to this day in Germany, but only for people over 18. Also if you most of the people who were put into the army were prisoners that were jailed and had no other option because they were forced and sometimes tortured to join the army. All in all the Nazis created some scary laws to try to supply the need of soldiers and they clearly went to far.

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